Certified NICE CXone, Zoom and Five9
Implementation Partner


Our specialty in cloud-based software implementations are guaranteed to increase your workforce efficiency and customer service.

frontline group hero image

Expertise that you can count on

With over 1200 successful implementations and more than 75 software integrations, we guarantee smooth project completions in 45 days or less.

management of project timeline

Clear & Consistent
project communication

cost control and process efficiency

Daily Updated
schedule of project

Goals & Meeting
agendas in advance of meetings

of changes and add-ons

Escalation resources
in reserve for support when needed

Daily review
of project requirements

Continual Scope
of timeline alignment

on step-by-step activities

Take control of your software with Studio Training

10 online courses for your team to learn the backend of your NICE CXone software.

Key Features:

One-on-One time & feedback catered to your company

Learn how to implement chat, voicemail, email and phone

2-3 hours customized to your companies needs

Facilitates up to 5 people on your team

1-2 hour session a week

Training on integrations

Zoom Graphic shadows - Front Line Group
front line group Customer Stories
get started

Let's find a solution that works for you

Every business is different, that’s why all of our solutions are custom built for you. Let’s chat and see how we can help improve your contact center.